Thursday, February 24, 2011
Social Sports

Sunday, February 13, 2011
More Than a Logo

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Script #1: Feed In 60 Seconds
Feed The Need Productions’ Script
Nick: Tonight’s going to be meg brag.
Heather: Yeah, I can’t wait to go to Mars and get weasel-faced at Rumble Spot.
Nick: I want to look meg squelch with my neck bat.
Randy: What are you talking about, units?
Heather: The trip to Mars, unit!
Nick: Like, didn’t you get our m-chat?
Randy: M-chat?
Heather: You’re so null, you don’t have a feed? Everyone does.
Randy: Well, like, what’s so brag about the feed?
Nick: Are you kidding, unit? You can look up like stuff and shit…everything, unit!
Heather: Unit, you like don’t even have to try anymore.
Randy: Wow!! Units, you’re so cool.
Nick: No wrong! Just get the feed like everyone else.
Heather: Well, see ya later, unit. Maybe if you had the feed you would’ve known the plans.
Randy: I really need to get the feed…
Cait: Has this ever happened to you? Do you like being left behind because you can’t keep up with your units’ technology? 73% of people have the feed. Do you want to be the null 27% left out? Of course you don’t! There’s hope for you! Impress your units and get the Feed. It’s meg youch! Never be left out again.
This message has been brought to you by Feed The Need Productions because we care about our consumers.